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Contemporary Literature

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Annie Wang. From Mainland to Mainstream

easy autobiographic novel, and very interesting: it's
a language geek writing e. g. about her first encounter with English, her feelings about it, how schools teach it in China etc
Annas Sommer in Beijing" story in easy Chinese, can read this with ca. 800 characters, knowledge of German isn't necessary though it's aimed at German students of Chinese Sprachprofi
Lao She. Mr Ma & Son  relatively easy and available as a printed bilingual book,
with almost-matching audio from pingshu8.


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耻的故事 if you're not into classic manga / manhua, there are still comic book retellings of well-known episodes from ancient Chinese history Sprachprofi

Classic Literature

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"搭车去柏林" by 刘畅 a non-fictional account of a journey hitchhiking from Beijing to Berlin. The two Chinese men, both 30-something years old, have decided that they are not ready to settle down with a stable job and a mortgage after all, so they go on this 3-month journey that they call a rite of passage. It is interesting to read about various countries and cultures from a Chinese perspective. Sprachprofi

Works in Translation

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Confessions of a Shopaholic relatively easy and available as a parallel text if
you know whom to ask

Books for Kids and Tweens

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Films, Audio, etc.

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自然密码 Nature documentary series -- mostly American programs dubbed in Chinese.  Clear narration with subtitles, and the repeated content (lions, gazelles, hyenas) makes it easy to pick up new words. Fillanzea